The core of Bard Sequence is Bard Seminar Sequence, a four semester, interdisciplinary humanities course totaling 12 Bard College credits. Each Seminar course builds upon the others, exploring themes of identity, civilization, disruption, and resistance through the discussion of a set of challenging and culturally responsive works of literature, philosophy, art, and beyond, spanning across the range of human history. The Seminar Sequence guides students not just to observe and understand the conversations between these texts, but to join in and orchestrate that intellectual conversation themselves through self-reflection, discussion, and creative and academic writing. Throughout the course, students build and practice skills that are central to any program of post-secondary study, including close-reading and textual analysis, critical thinking and discourse, and college-level composition and editing.
For more information about the Bard Seminar Sequence, please review our course descriptions, or e-mail our offices at