Congratulations on your acceptance to Bard High School Early College (BHSEC) Manhattan. We are delighted that you will be joining us in the fall.
Please be on the lookout for an email listing our upcoming events. We will use the email listed on MySchools.
We start the fall semester with a Writing and Thinking Workshop where you will work closely with a small group of students and one of our teachers. You will learn to read and listen more thoughtfully, to articulate ideas: to review your own work critically and, most basically, to recognize the link between thought and expression.
Families and middle schools will begin receiving High School Admissions Matches on March 6, 2025, from the NYC Department of Education. The Office of Student Enrollment will notify families by email that they can log into their child’s My Schools account to view their child’s high school admissions offer. Check your My Schools account or contact your guidance counselor for assistance. You may also visit the NYC Department of Education website for more information.
We will send out a welcome email to matched students with information about the online virtual events and in-person events. We will use the email supplied by the Department of Education on MySchools. Please check your email after the NYC Department of Education sends out match notifications.
Thursday, September 4, 2025 at 9:00 am
Please check with the Department of Education’s School Calendar for any changes.
Federal Parent/Guardian Student Ethnic Identity Form
Child & Adolescent Health Examination Form
Home Language Survey (to be completed at BHSEC)
Emergency Blue Card (to be completed at BHSEC)
Bard College Media Release Form
Bard College First Generation Survey
Family Opt-In to Bard Early College Network Communications
You’ve been accepted and still have questions? Click here for Frequently Asked Questions by accepted students (updated April 2024)
Please read letter from the faculty.
The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As told to Alex Haley (please get a hardcopy of the book)
End of June 2025
The Summer Bridge program is an opportunity for incoming students to meet and get to know fellow students in their class, get advice from older, returning students, and to meet faculty and take sample classes. This program is organized as an informal introduction to our school, intended to familiarize new students with our school culture, our facilities and our neighborhood. More information can be found on the Student Activities page.
We are excited to expand our sport offerings by creating a shared athletics program with NEST + M.
Visit (drop down menu Schools – Bard High School Early College & NEST+m) for statistics, schedules, and game locations. All student athletes can compete on teams listed on the Bard High School Early College page and the NEST+m page.
Please review the information below. If you have questions please contact
Carly Arpaio, Athletic Director Bard High School Early College, [email protected].
Listed below are the opportunities that will be available this fall:
Boys Fencing- Coach: TBD
Start Date: TBD
Boys Soccer – Coach: Evan Woodhouse ([email protected])
Start date: TBD
Girls Soccer – Coach: Naddem Qurbani ([email protected])
Start Date: TBD
Girls Volleyball – Coach: TBD
Start Date: TBD
Girls Fencing – Coach Barabash ([email protected])
Start Date: TBD
Girls Badminton – Coach Mclaughlin ([email protected])
Start Date: TBD
Co-Ed (Boys & Girls) Cross Country – Coach: Drew Miller ([email protected])
**Fill out this form to express interest and to be added to the email list
Start Date: TBD
Girls Tennis – Coach: Robert Romanzi ([email protected])
Tryouts will occur on August 26th – 30th, from 8:30AM to 10:30AM
Parental Consent Form (This acknowledges that Parents have authorized students to participate in their designated sport. It must be filled out for EACH sport you play) .
In addition, this is an informational form regarding Concussions. Please review this and be aware of Concussion symptoms. This will also be given to athletes during the year.