School Leadership Team

The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a collaborative team of parents, teachers, staff and administration that is mandated by state law to help develop educational policies for the school. The SLT is responsible for developing the school’s Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP), a document that establishes the school’s annual pedagogical and community goals. In addition, the SLT collaborates to make sure the school’s budget aligns with the goals established in the CEP. 

SLTs play an important role in school based decision making and in promoting a collaborative school culture. Parents’ membership on the School Leadership Team helps ensure that parents’ voice is represented in important decisions that affect teaching and learning in our school. The SLT also considers  a variety of other issues that impact our school community including equity, student diversity, school safety, supporting faculty and fostering parent-teacher communication.   

Learn more about the SLT here.

Dr. Ursula Embola and her student researcher Laura-Albane Peyronnet


The BHSEC Manhattan SLT meets on the first Monday of every month from 4:45 – 6:45pm.  Meetings are in-person at BHSEC and are open to all members of the Community.  Guests who attend in-person meetings are welcome to contribute.  

SLT Meeting Schedule (2024-2025) 

Sept 9, 2024: Agenda | Minutes 

Oct 7, 2024: Agenda | Minutes 

Nov 4, 2024: Agenda | Minutes 

Dec 2, 2024: Agenda | Minutes 

Jan 6, 2025:  Agenda | Minutes 

Feb 3, 2025: Agenda | Minutes 

Mar 3, 2025: Agenda | Minutes 

Apr 7, 2025: Agenda | Minutes 

May 5, 2025: Agenda | Minutes 

Jun 2, 2025: Agenda | Minutes 

To see archived agendas and minutes from previous years, visit this page.


There are three mandated members from the school community: Principal, Parent Teacher Association President, United Federation of Teachers Chapter Leader. The other members are elected parents, staff and student members who are elected by their constituents.  The SLT must have an equal number of parents and staff.  The Bard Manhattan SLT also includes student representatives from every grade. 

Meet the SLT Members 2024-2025.  


If you have any questions for your representatives or a concern you would like raised at a meeting, please email us at [email protected] and share your thoughts with us.

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