For Alumni/ae
Welcome to the Bard Early College Alumni/ae Association
All graduates of any BHSEC are members of the Bard Early College Alumni/ae Association, which promotes strong connections across our network of schools, as well as within each campus location. With 6,800 BHSEC alumni/ae and more than 19,000 Bard College alumni/ae, there are many ways to get involved and use our vast network as a resource. We encourage graduates to join committees, volunteer to help with admissions, host events, and provide job or internship opportunities for current students and fellow classmates.
Our mission is to enrich and strengthen the Bard experience for all alumni/ae and future generations–we aim to do so by fostering connections, keeping graduates informed of network updates, and providing resources for alumni/ae and current students that cultivate strong, lifelong support.
Stay in Touch & Get Involved
Send us an update, and let us know how you’re doing! Please check your email for the quarterly Alumni/ae Newsletter, which showcases updates, accomplishments, and the journeys of BHSEC alumni/ae worldwide. Click the button below to subscribe, update your contact information, submit news, or express volunteer interest.
Read the most current issues of our alumni/ae newsletters below:
Join a Bard Alumni/ae Affinity Group
One of the many benefits of a Bard education is utilizing our incredible global network of alumni/ae as you navigate life after BHSEC. The Bard College Alumni/ae Association has created affinity groups to help our alumni/ae to come together to discuss shared interests, find other Bardians in their area, and network. BHSEC graduates are welcome to join. Click here to explore these groups, hosted on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Join the BHSEC Event Planning Committee
The BHSEC Event Planning Committee offers alumni/ae the opportunity to become actively involved in the early college network and to share ideas for events, groups, or initiatives they would like to see. The committee provides a platform for connecting with fellow alumni/ae and ensuring your voice is heard. To learn more and get involved, please email [email protected].
Make a Gift
Donors make degrees possible. Consider a gift of any amount today to help keep BHSEC strong and support the next generation of early college students. You can choose to support the Bard Early College Fund, which contributes to the greatest needs of all ten early college campuses, or gifts can be made directly to the campus of your choice.
Order an Official Transcript
To order an official, electronic transcript, visit here.
With questions regarding Bard College transcripts, please reach out to [email protected].

Have news, updates or accomplishments
that you want to share?