The Bard Early Colleges equip students with the tools they need to succeed in four-year colleges — especially those who have been historically excluded from higher education.
Our Students
- Eligible for Federal Pell Grants: 63% (Class of 2019)
- First Generation College Students*: 50% (Class of 2020)
* Defined as students with neither parent having attained a four-year college degree
Bard Early College Alumni/ae
Bard Early College alumni/ae have a head start towards a four-year degree. 85% of alumni/ae report successfully transferring college credits to their next institution of higher education.
Increasing access to four-year degrees
Bard Early College alumni/ae enroll in college after high school and earn 4-year degrees at higher rates than college-goers nationwide, especially alumni/ae from historically excluded groups.

Rates of immediate college enrollment (within 6 months of high school graduation):
- BEC Network: 72.6% (2023)
- First Gen: 79% (127/161) BEC; 58% nationally
- Black: 75% BEC; 62% nationally
- Latinx: 78% BEC; 63% nationally
Rates of 4-year degree completion within six years of college enrollment:
- 60% nationally
- 79% BHSEC alumni/ae
Policy Publications & Resources
Early College, Lasting Success: How BHSEC Boosts Education Outcomes
A summary of two studies by Metis Associates on the impact of Bard High School Early Colleges on students’ post-secondary outcomes. The studies found that attending BHSEC increased students’ chances of enrolling in and completing four-year colleges.
Bard High School Early College: A Case Study
Researched and written by Ithaka S+R, this case study highlights the promise of the Bard Early College model in addressing inequities in higher education, as well as practical considerations for creating rigorous early college programs.
From High School to College Success
The Education Trust of New York analyzed outcomes for college students receiving TAP assistance — a form of college financial aid available to families making less than $80,000 a year — and found that BHSEC Manhattan and Queens alumni/ae had higher on-time college graduation rates than any other high school in the state of New York.