Academic Events
Dean’s Hour
Dean’s Hour is a weekly lecture and performance series that shares the work of artists, scholars and scientists with the Bard Early College community. It is a crucial means for building an early college culture. Speakers are drawn from the Bard network faculty as well as their larger professional circles. While events are often designed to shed light on specific classes, such as First Year Seminar or History of the Americas, there are also numerous presentations of general interest. All talks are open to the public. This fall, Dean’s Hour will be held over Zoom on Mondays at 2:45 PM, unless otherwise noted.

Difference and Justice
The Center for Inclusive Excellence in collaboration with the Center for Civic Engagement and the Bard Early Colleges hosts annual Symposium on Difference and Justice at the Bard Annandale campus.The Bard Network believes social justice is both theoretical and educative- emphasizing accessibility to action. The D&J Symposium challenges presenters to think critically and discuss the transgenerational trend of students acting as forerunners to social movements, with a focus on contemporary student activism.
In 2020, students from across the network had the opportunity to present their work and connect through dialogue on social justice, culture, civic engagement, and activism. The day consisted of three sessions:
Session 1: Land—Social boundaries, economic structures, political histories, and power relationships generally—past and present—are all inscribed in the spaces we enter. Never neutral, cultural values affect the dynamics of access, authority, and representation as communities continue to (re)define citizenship. The 2nd annual Difference and Justice Symposium calls for dialogue around the manifestations of systemic influence that create, maintain, or deconstruct notions of access to communal space(s).
Session 2: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion—The second session of breakouts will contain any presentations on identity, power and privilege, and intersectionality
Abstract: Each of us possesses a multitude of identities that drastically impact how we navigate the world. These identities play vital roles in the ways in which we view ourselves and others, but also the ways in which others perceive us. The 2nd annual Difference and Justice Symposium calls for dialogue and presentations on not only the historic narratives surrounding structural oppression, but also the celebration of endurance and persistence of systemically disenfranchised groups.
Session 3: Civic Engagement, Social Justice, Experiential Learning—The final session will focus on practical ways in which students can become involved and histories of civic engagement, grassroots activism, and fostering community through learning.
In 2019, the community came together to hear how students work on socioeconomics, history, race, politics, education in and outside the classroom.
Women and Leadership Conference
A daylong program that explores the role of women in contemporary politics and everyday life. The program connects students from Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Bard College, and Bard Microcollege Holyoke with inspiring women leaders.